Forthcoming talks and events

Thematic Programme on Algebraicity and Transcendence of Singular Differential Equations (Erwin Schrödinger Institute for Mathematical Physics, Vienna, Austria, 7–18 October 2024)
Lectures on Multiple zeta values and beyond (Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan, 10–15 February 2025)
Conference on Modular forms and multiple zeta values: Celebration of Masanobu Kaneko's 60+th birthday (Kindai University, Osaka, Japan, 17–22 February 2025)

Past talks and events

1 "On rational approximations of the values of G-functions" (Russian, gzip ps 18k), The 2nd International Conference "Algebraic, Probabilistic, Geometric, Combinatorial, and Functional Methods in Number Theory" (Voronezh, September 25–30, 1995)
2 "Lower estimates of polynomials of the values of E-functions" (dvi 3k), The International Conference on Diophantine Analysis and its Applications in Honor of Acad. V. Sprindzhuk (Minsk, September 1–8, 1996)
3 "On the rank of special numerical linear forms" (Russian, gzip ps 17k), The 3rd International Conference "Modern Problems in Number Theory and its Applications" (Tula, September 9–14, 1996)
4 "On the measure of linear independence for values of E-functions" (Russian, gzip ps 16k), The 3rd International Conference "Modern Problems in Number Theory and its Applications" (Tula, September 9–14, 1996)
5 "On the measure of irrationality for values of elliptic integrals" (Russian, gzip ps 17k), The International Workshop on the Analytic Number Theory and Applications (Moscow Lomonosov State University, February 3–6, 1997)
6 "Theta constants and differential equations" (dvi 38k, gzip ps 46k), talk at the Seminar of Groupe d'Etude sur les ProBlèmes Diophantiens (Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu, Université Paris 6, September 30, 1999)
7 "Theta constants and their logarithmic derivatives" (ps 324k), talk at the Seminar of the Division of Theory of Functions in Complex Variable (Steklov Institute of Mathematics, February 7, 2000)
8 "Theta constants and differential equations" (dvi 7k, gzip ps 39k), with D. Bertrand, The Meeting on Diophantische Approximationen (Mathematische Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, Germany, April 9–15, 2000)
9 "Number theory casting a look at the mirror", The International Conference on the Transcendental Numbers (Moscow Lomonosov State University, September 18–22, 2000)
10 "Irrationality of values of zeta-function", The 23th Conference of Young Scientists (Moscow Lomonosov State University, April 9–14, 2001)
11 "Hopf algebras related to multiple zeta values", The Lomonosov Conference 2001 (Moscow Lomonosov State University, April 25, 2001)
12 "Group structures for linear forms involving odd zeta values", Groupe de travail "Polylogarithmes et nombres zêta multiples", organisateurs Pierre Cartier et Michel Waldschmidt (Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris, June 25, 2001)
13 "A problem of irrationality of zeta values", Journées INTAS–RFBR "Problèmes diophantiens et nombres transcendants" (Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu–Chevaleret, Paris, June 27–28, 2001)
14 "Irrationality problems for values of the Riemann zeta function at odd integers", The 4th International Conference "Modern Problems of Number Theory and its Applications" Dedicated to the 180th Anniversary of P.L. Chebysheff and the 110th Anniversary of I.M. Vinogradov (Tula, September 10–15, 2001)
15 "Derivatives of Siegel modular forms and exponential functions", with D. Bertrand, The Conference "Recent Advances in Mathematical Analisys and Number Theory", Polish Science Days in Russia (Steklov Institute of Mathematics, Moscow, October 17–18, 2001)
16 "Lectures on zeta values" (Oulu University, Finland, March 24–April 5, 2002)
17 "Irrationality measures for q-zeta values" (pdf 145k, dvi 22k, gzip ps 58k), The Conference "Problèmes Diophantiens" (CIRM, Marseille Luminy, France, May 6–10, 2002)
18 "Euler-type multiple integrals as linear forms in zeta values", The Meeting on Elementare und Analytische Zahlentheorie (Mathematische Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, Germany, March 9–15, 2003)
19 "Diophantine problems of q-zeta values" (Oulu University, Finland, April 30, 2003)
20 "Diophantine properties of numbers related to Catalan's constant", with T. Rivoal, The Number Theory Seminar (Max Planck Institute for Mathematics, Bonn, Germany, May 14, 2003)
21 "Rational approximations to ζ(4)", Journée spéciale "Approximations diophantiennes et équations différentielles" (Université de Paris 6 et Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu, Paris, June 5, 2003)
22 "Hypergeometric functions and values of the Riemann zeta function", The Number Theory Seminar (Forschunginstitut für Mathematik, ETH-Zentrum, Zürich, Switzerland, June 6, 2003)
23 "Generalized hypergeometric series and values of Riemann's zeta function", A colloquium talk (Fachbereich Mathematik, Universität Frankfurt, Germany, June 20, 2003)
24 "Well-poised generation of Apéry-like recursions", XXIIIrd Journées Arithmétiques Graz 2003 (Graz, Austria, 6–12 July 2003)
25 "New irrationality measures for q-logarithms", with T. Matalo-Aho and K. Väänänen, Workshop on Diophantine Approximation (Lorentz Center, Leiden, The Netherlands, 28 July–2 August 2003)
26 "On q-analogues of Apéry's approximations", 7th International Symposium on Orthogonal Polynomials, Special Functions and Applications (Copenhagen, Denmark, 18–22 August 2003)
27 "Some series and integrals related to the values of Riemann's zeta function", Séminaire d'arithmétique (UFR de Mathématiques, Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille, France, October 16, 2003)
28 "Integer-valued entire functions", with P. Bundschuh, Séminaire "Analyse, Géométrie et Algèbre" (Laboratoire de Mathématiques et Applications, Université de Metz, France, October 24, 2003)
29 "Irrationality and Riemann's zeta function", A colloquium talk (Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Lund University, Sweden, October 30, 2003)
30 "On the transcendence degree of the differential field generated by Siegel modular forms", with D. Bertrand, A colloquium talk (Mathematisches Institut, Universität Köln, Germany, November 7, 2003)
31 "On a combinatorial problem of Asmus Schmidt", Kolloquium über Kombinatorik (Otto-von-Guericke-Universität, Magdeburg, Germany, 14–15 November 2003)
32 "Hypergeometric transformations and zeta values", Algebra Seminar (Institut for Matematiske FAG, Matematisk Afdeling, Københavns Universitet, Copenhagen, Denmark, 26 January 2004)
33 Two talks and a short course in "Special functions in number theory", School of Mathematics (Institute for Studies in Theoretical Physics and Mathematics, Tehran, Iran, 17 January–6 February 2005)
34 "Irrationality of mathematical constants", A plenary talk, 35th Annual Iranian Mathematical Conference (Chamran University, Ahwaz, Iran, 26–29 January 2005)
35 "Irrationality of the values of Riemann's zeta function", The International Conference Analytical Methods in Number Theory, Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics (St. Petersburg Department of Steklov Institute of Mathematics and the Euler International Mathematical Institute, St Petersburg, Russia, 25–29 April 2005)
36 "Approximations to -, di- and tri- logarithms", Séminaire d'arithmétique (UFR de Mathématiques, Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille, France, June 16, 2005)
37 "Problems and results for q-zeta values", A colloquium talk (UFR de Mathématiques, Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille, France, June 17, 2005)
38 "Arithmetic results for q-analogues of mathematical constants", A contributed talk, Gauss–Dirichlet Conference (Mathematisches Institut, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Germany, 20–24 June 2005)
39 "Some algebraic manifolds originated by arithmetic study of ζ(2), ζ(3), and ζ(4)", Oberseminar Algebraische Geometrie (Institut für Mathematik, Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Germany, June 29, 2005)
40 "Arithmetic of the values of Riemann's zeta function", A colloquium talk (Institut für Mathematik, Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Germany, June 30, 2005)
41 "A new lower bound for ||(3/2)k||", A contributed talk, XXIVth Journées Arithmétiques 2005 (Marseille, France, 4–8 July 2005)
42 "On q-analogues of mathematical constants", Seminar on Algebra, Geometry and Physics (Max Planck Institute for Mathematics, Bonn, Germany, February 21, 2006)
43 "Quantum dilogarithm", Seminar on Algebra, Geometry and Physics (Max Planck Institute for Mathematics, Bonn, Germany, March 14, 2006)
44 "Effective lower bounds for ||(1+1/N)k||", Semester on Diophantine Approximation and Heights (Erwin Schrödinger Institute for Mathematical Physics, Vienna, Austria, March 20–April 2, 2006)
45 "Some new formulae for π", A colloquium talk (Mathematical Institute of the University of Utrecht, The Netherlands, April 20, 2006)
46 "Ramanujan-type formulas for 1/π: A second wind?" (pdf 150k, dvi 39k), Number Theory Lunch Seminar (Max Planck Institute for Mathematics, Bonn, Germany, April 25, 2006)
47 "Hypergeometric approximations to polylogarithms" (pdf 185k), The Conference "Diophantine approximation and transcendental numbers" (CIRM, Marseille Luminy, France, September 4–8, 2006)
48 "Magic of Apéry's numbers", The Conference "Zeta functions" (French–Russian Poncélet Laboratory, Independent University of Moscow, September 18–22, 2006)
49 "Ramanujan's formulae for π, revisited", Groupe d'Etude sur les ProBlèmes Diophantiens (Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu, Université Paris 6, November 16, 2006)
50 "Problems and results for q-analogues of mathematical constants", Séminaire de Théorie des Nombres et Combinatoire (Institut Camille Jordan, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Lyon, France, November 21, 2006)
51 "Lectures on diophantine approximations" (Oulu University, Finland, December 13–21, 2006)
52 The International Conference "Diophantine and analytic problems in number theory" dedicated to the 100th anniversary of A.O. Gelfond (Moscow Lomonosov State University, January 29–February 2, 2007)
53 "Linear independence of values of Tschakaloff series", with K. Väänänen, The Meeting on Diophantische Approximationen (Mathematische Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, Germany, April 15–21, 2007)
54 "Arithmetic of ζ(4)", Number Theory Lunch Seminar (Max Planck Institute for Mathematics, Bonn, Germany, May 16, 2007)
55 "An Sp4 modularity of Picard–Fuchs differential equations", with Y. Yang, Groupe d'Etude sur les ProBlèmes Diophantiens (Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu, Université Paris 6, May 24, 2007)
56 "Ramanujan's formulae for 1/π and their generalizations", A colloquium talk (Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Lund University, Sweden, May 30, 2007)
57 Arbeitstagung (Max Planck Institute for Mathematics, Bonn, Germany, June, 2007)
58 "Hypergeometric series and approximations of mathematical constants" (pdf 140k), 9th Conference on Orthogonal Polynomials, Special Functions and Applications (CIRM, Marseille Luminy, France, July 2–6, 2007)
59 "An Sp4 modularity of Picard–Fuchs differential equations for Calabi–Yau threefolds", with Y. Yang, Number Theory Lunch Seminar (Max Planck Institute for Mathematics, Bonn, Germany, July 11, 2007)
60 "Ramanujan-type formulas for π", Oberseminar Computational Mathematics (Fachbereich Mathematik der Universität Kassel, Germany, October 2, 2007)
61 Développements récents en approximation diophantienne (CIRM, Marseille Luminy, France, October 8–12, 2007)
62 "Ramanujan's formulae for 1/π and their generalisations", Number Theory Seminar (Departments of Mathematics, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, October 19, 2007)
63 "Ramanujan's formulae for 1/π and their generalisations", The International Conference "Analytical and Combinatorial Methods in Number Theory and Geometry" (University of Crete, Iraklio, Greece, October 22–26, 2007)
64 "An Sp4 modularity of Picard–Fuchs differential equations for Calabi–Yau threefolds", with Y. Yang, Workshop on p-adic Aspects of Differential Equations: Crystals, Mirror symmetry, Modular Forms (Centre Interfacultaire Bernouilli, Lausanne, Switzerland, November 5–8, 2007)
65 "Ramanujan's formulae for 1/π", Number Theory Seminar (Dipartimento di Matematica, Università di Pisa, Italy, November 13, 2007)
66 "Lectures on modular forms" (Oulu University, Finland, November 19–30, 2007)
67 Semester "Combinatorics and Statistical Physics" (Erwin Schrödinger Institute for Physics and Mathematics, Vienna, Austria, March 23–29, 2008)
68 "Irrationality for values of Riemann's zeta function", Number Theory Seminar (Department of Mathematics, National University of Singapore, Singapore, May 13, 2008)
69 "Ramanujan-type formulae for 1/π and their generalizations", Number Theory Seminar (Department of Mathematics, National University of Singapore, Singapore, May 15, 2008)
70 "Algebraic transformations of Calabi–Yau differential equations", based on joint work with Heng Huat Chan, Gert Almkvist and Duco van Straten, Workshop "Number Theory and Physics at the Crossroads" (Banff International Research Station for Mathematical Innovation and Discovery, Alberta, Canada, September 21–26, 2008)
71 "Discrete analogues of Ramanujan's series for 1/π", Workshop on Geometry and Arithmetic around Hypergeometric Functions (Mathematische Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, Germany, September 28–October 4, 2008)
72 "Ramanujan-type supercongruences", Number Theory Lunch Seminar (Max Planck Institute for Mathematics, Bonn, Germany, November 5, 2008)
73 "On Sp4 modularity of Calabi–Yau differential equations", Séminaire de théorie des nombres (Institut Fourier, Université Grenoble 1, November 26, 2008)
74 "The past and future of Ramanujan's formulas for 1/π", A colloquium talk (Institut für Mathematik, Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Germany, December 4, 2008)
75 "Algebraic transformations of hypergeometric differential equations", Groupe d'Etude sur les ProBlèmes Diophantiens (Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu, Université Paris 6, January 15, 2009)
76 The Final Workshop of the Trimester on Diophantine Equations (Hausdorff Center for Mathematics, Bonn, Germany, April 23–29, 2009)
77 "The Diophantine equation 1k+2k+...+(m-1)k=mk and continued fractions", based on joint work with Yves Gallot and Pieter Moree, CARMA Seminar (University of Newcastle, Australia, June 18, 2009)
78 "Hypergeometric (super)congruences" (pdf 324k), A plenary talk, 10th International Symposium on Orthogonal Polynomials, Special Functions and Applications (Leuven, Belgium, July 20–25, 2009)
79 "Arithmetic hypergeometric series", CARMA Workshop on Multidimensional Numerical Integration and Special Function Evaluation (The University of Newcastle, Australia, August 18, 2009)
80 "Clausen-type identities arising from the theory of modular forms", based on joint work with Heng Huat Chan, Yoshio Tanigawa and Yifan Yang, 53rd Annual Meeting of the Australian Mathematical Society (University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia, September 28–October 1, 2009)
81 "Arithmetic problems for Riemann's zeta values", Official CARMA Opening and Workshop (The University of Newcastle, Australia, October 30–November 1, 2009)
82 "Irrationality problems of the values of Riemann's zeta function", A colloquium talk (The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, November 9, 2009)
83 "Series for 1/π revisited", based on joint work with Jesús Guillera, Exploratory Experimentation and Computation in Number Theory Workshop (The University of Newcastle, Australia, July 7–9, 2010)
84 "The Erdős–Moser diophantine equation and the continued fraction of log(2)", based on joint work with Yves Gallot and Pieter Moree, 54th Annual Meeting of the Australian Mathematical Society (The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, September 27–30, 2010)
85 "The theory of Karma: Three reincarnations of the logarithm", CARMA Workshop on Multi Zeta Values (The University of Newcastle, Australia, October 20, 2010)
86 "Ramanujan vs. Apéry: 1/π vs. ζ(3)", StatMech/Combinatorics seminar (The University of Melbourne, Australia, January 24, 2011)
87 "Mahler measure of two-variate polynomials", Moscow Number Theory seminar (Moscow Lomonosov State University, February 17, 2011)
88 "Mahler measures and modular funs" (video), based on joint work with Mat Rogers, Computational and Analytical Mathematics Conference in honour of Jonathan Borwein's 60th birthday (The IRMACS Centre, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, Canada, May 16–20, 2011)
89 Arbeitstagung (Max Planck Institute for Mathematics, Bonn, Germany, June 24–30, 2011)
90 "Boyd's conjectures on Mahler measures", based on joint work with Mat Rogers, Groupe d'Etude sur les ProBlèmes Diophantiens (Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu, Université Paris 6, July 7, 2011)
91 "L-series of elliptic curves and Mahler measures", based on joint work with Mat Rogers, Number Theory Lunch Seminar (Max Planck Institute for Mathematics, Bonn, Germany, July 13, 2011)
92 "Arithmetic of the values of Riemann's zeta function", Number Theory Seminar (Mathematisches Institut, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Germany, July 14, 2011)
93 "Legendre polynomials and identities for π", based on joint work with Heng Huat Chan & James Wan, The Meeting on Explicit Methods in Number Theory (Mathematische Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, Germany, July 17–22, 2011)
94 "Odds of Riemann's zeta function", CARMA Colloquium (The University of Newcastle, Australia, August 4, 2011)
95 "Generating functions of Legendre polynomials" (pdf), based on joint work with Heng Huat Chan & James Wan, A contibuted talk;
"Hypergeometrics and 1/π2" (pdf), A presentation at the Problem Session,
11th International Symposium on Orthogonal Polynomials, Special Functions and Applications (Madrid, Spain, August 29–September 2, 2011)
96 "Ramanujan-style mathematics for Mahler measures" (pdf), based on joint work with Mat Rogers, A keynote address at the session of algebra and number theory, 55th Annual Meeting of the Australian Mathematical Society (University of Wollongong, NSW, Australia, September 26–29, 2011)
97 "Arithmetic of zeta values", A colloquium talk (Kinki University, Osaka, Japan, October 28, 2011)
98 "Mahler measures and L-series of elliptic curves", based on joint work with Mat Rogers, Workshop "Analityc number theory–related multiple aspects of arithmetic functions" (Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University, Japan, October 31–November 2, 2011)
99 "!!/!!!" ["Factorial ratios"], JonFest DownUnder–Workshop on Experimental and Analytical Mathematics (The University of Newcastle, Australia, November 29–December 1, 2011)
100 International Number Theory Conference in Memory of Alf van der Poorten (The University of Newcastle, Australia, March 12–16, 2012)
101 "Arithmetic applications of Hankel determinants", Workshop on Diophantische Approximationen (Mathematische Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, Germany, April 22–28, 2012)
102 "Mahler measures of two-variable polynomials", Number Theory Seminar (Dipartimento di Matematica, Università di Pisa, Italy, May 2, 2012)
103 "Perioddness of L-values", Oberseminar Zahlentheorie (Mathematisches Institut, Universität Köln, Germany, May 25, 2012)
104 "Legendre polynomials and identities for π", Workshop on Hypergeometric series and their generalizations in algebra, geometry, number theory and physics (Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris, France, May 29–June 1, 2012)
105 "L @ 3", CARMA Retreat 2012 (The University of Newcastle, Australia, August 18, 2012)
106 "Rogers–Ramanujan identities, dilogarithm identities and experimental mathematics" (pdf), An invited lecture, International Conference "The works of Srinivasa Ramanujan and related topics" (Department of Studies in Mathematics, University of Mysore, Manasagangotri, Mysore, India, December 12–14, 2012)
107 "Ramanujan-type formulae for 1/π and Legendre polynomials" (pdf), International Conference "The Legacy of Srinivasa Ramanujan" (Srinivasa Ramanujan Centre, SASTRA Kumbakonam, Tamil Nadu, India, December 14–15, 2012)
108 "Hypergeometric evaluations of L-values of an elliptic curve" (pdf), A plenary talk, Ramanujan-125 Conference "The Legacy of Srinivasa Ramanujan" (University of Delhi, New Delhi, India, December 17–22, 2012)
109 A course on "Modular forms", AMSI Summer School 2013 (The University of Melbourne, Australia, 7 January–1 February 2013)
110 "Ramanujan-type formulae for 1/π: the art of translation", Québec–Vermont Number Theory Seminar (Concordia University, Montreal, Canada, 9 May 2013)
111 "On a q-rious positivity", Euler Kreis, 2nd meeting (Mainz, Germany, 12 June 2013)
112 Lectures on "Mahler measure and L-values", Arctic Number Theory Workshop (Saariselkä, Lapland, Finland, 15–20 June 2013)
113 "Mahler measure", A colloquium talk (Institut für Mathematik, Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Germany, 27 June 2013)
114 "Integrality of factorial ratios", Number Theory Seminar (Dipartimento di Matematica, Università di Pisa, Italy, 8 July 2013)
115 "Legendre polynomials, Apéry-like recurrence equations and zeta values", Special Functions and Special Numbers, A conference on the occasion of the 60th birthday of Frits Beukers (Universiteit Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 10–12 July 2013)
116 "Non-critical L-values as periods", Workshop on Explicit Methods in Number Theory (Mathematische Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, Germany, 14–20 July 2013)
117 "Ramanujan-type formulae for 1/π: the art of translation", Number Theory Lunch Seminar (Max Planck Institute for Mathematics, Bonn, Germany, 24 July 2013)
118 "Mock theta functions", CARMA OANT Seminar (The University of Newcastle, Australia, 3 September 2013)
119 "Elementary" proofs of Ramanujan's formulae for 1/π", based on joint work with Jesús Guillera, 57th Annual Meeting of the Australian Mathematical Society (The University of Sydney, NSW, Australia, 30 September–3 October 2013)
120 "Positivity of rational functions and their diagonals", based on joint work with Armin Straub, CARMA Workshop "Number Theory Down Under" (The University of Newcastle, Australia, 5 October 2013)
121 "Mahler measure of two-variable polynomials", Séminaire de théorie des nombres (Institut Fourier, Université Grenoble 1, 19 March 2014)
122 "21st century generating functions of Legendre polynomials", Number Theory Seminar (Dipartimento di Matematica, Università di Pisa, Italy, 26 March 2014)
123 "A new irrationality measure of ζ(2)", Groupe d'Etude sur les ProBlèmes Diophantiens (Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu, Université Paris 6, 3 April 2014)
124 "Mahler measures for a family of hyperelliptic curves", Number Theory Lunch Seminar (Max Planck Institute for Mathematics, Bonn, Germany, 9 April 2014)
125 "Positive aspects of AZ-like sequences", Gertfest–Algebra and Number Theory Day (Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Lund University, Sweden, 17 April 2014)
126 "Many moons of Mahler measures", Algebra seminar (Mathematical Sciences Institute, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, 29 April 2014)
127 "Arithmetic of the values of Riemann's zeta function", A colloquium talk (Mathematical Sciences Institute, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, 1 May 2014)
128 "Arithmetic of the values of Riemann's zeta function" (Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai, China, 23 May 2014)
129 "Mahler measures" (Tongji University, Shanghai, China, 26 May 2014)
130 "Generating functions of Legendre polynomials and identities for π" (East China Normal University, Shanghai, China, 28 May 2014)
131 "Beyond binomials, or integer factorial ratios" (Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai, China, 30 May 2014)
132 "Apéry's theorem and problems for the values of Riemann's zeta function and their q-analogues", D.Sc. presentation (Moscow Lomonosov State University, 20 June 2014)
133 "Apéry-like sequences and positive rational functions", Number Theory Seminar (Department of Mathematics, National University of Singapore, Singapore, 17 July 2014)
134 "Radial asymptotics of Mahler functions and hypertranscendence questions", based on joint work with Richard Brent and Michael Coons, Workshop "Diophantine approximation and transcendence" (CIRM, Marseille Luminy, France, 15–19 September 2014)
135 "Radial asymptotics of (multiple) q-zeta values and independence questions", Research Trimester on Multiple Zeta Values, Multiple Polylogarithms, and Quantum Field Theory (ICMAT, Madrid, Spain, 20 September–3 October 2014)
136 "Every MZV has two sides", AMSI–CARMA Workshop "Number Theory Down Under 2014" (The University of Newcastle, Australia, 24–25 October 2014)
137 A course on "Continued Fractions", AMSI Summer School 2015 (The University of Newcastle, NSW, Australia, 5–29 January 2015)
138 "Mahler measures of hyperelliptic families", Workshop "Regulators, Mahler measures, and special values of L-functions" (CRM, Université de Montréal, Canada, 16–20 February 2015)
139 "On rational approximations to ζ(2)", Québec–Vermont Number Theory Seminar (McGill University, Montreal, Canada, 26 February 2015)
140 Workshop "Constructive Methods in Number Theory" (Bethe Forum, Bonn, Germany, 2–6 March 2015)
141 "Multiple q-zeta values, bracketed", Aachen–Köln–Lille–Siegen Seminar on Automorphic Forms (Universität Köln, Cologne, Germany, 11 March 2015)
142 "Algebraic transformations of hypergeometric series, asymptotics of Apery-like sequences and Ramanujan's series for 1/π", Seminar on Algebra, Geometry and Physics (Max Planck Institute for Mathematics, Bonn, Germany, 17 March 2015)
143 "A new irrationality measure of π2", Number Theory Lunch Seminar (Max Planck Institute for Mathematics, Bonn, Germany, 8 April 2015)
144 "Modular parametrizations of 4th order linear differential operators and their applications in number theory", Workshop "Automorphic forms: advances and applications" (CIRM, Marseille Luminy, France, 25–29 May 2015)
145 "Hypergeometric Series: On Number Theory's Secret Service", A plenary talk;
"Mahler measures of hyperelliptic families" & "Positive rational functions and their diagonals", 2 minisymposium talks,
13th International Symposium on Orthogonal Polynomials, Special Functions and Applications (National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD, USA, 1–5 June 2015)
146 "On a family of polynomials related to ζ(2,1) = ζ(3)", CARMA Workshop on Mathematics and Computation (The University of Newcastle, Australia, 19–21 June 2015)
147 "Random walks, Mahler measures and arithmetic differential equations", based on joint work with Armin Straub, ACEMS Workshop "Stochastic processes and special functions" (The University of Melbourne, Australia, 13–14 August 2015)
148 AMSI–AustMS–CARMA Workshop "Number Theory Down Under3" (The University of Newcastle, Australia, 18–19 September 2015)
149 "Life of 1/Pi", A plenary talk, 59th Annual Meeting of the Australian Mathematical Society (Flinders University, Adelaide, SA, Australia, 28 September–1 October 2015)
150 "Hankel determinants and irrationality questions", UNSW Number Theory Seminar (University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, 18 November 2015)
151 Statistical Mechanics and Combinatorics Workshop "Guttmann 2015–70 and counting" (Newcastle, Australia, 7–8 December 2015)
152 "On certain irrational values of the logarithm: beyond the 1979 limitations" (video);
"Short random walks and Mahler measures" (video), A colloquium talk,
International Number Theory Conference in honour of Krishna Alladi's 60th birthday (University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA, 17–21 March 2016)
153 "Discriminants of reciprocal polynomials", Capital Number Theory Conference (Mathematical Sciences Institute, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, 8–9 April 2016)
154 "Determinants and irrationality", Workshop on Diophantische Approximationen (Mathematische Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, Germany, 10–16 April 2016)
155 "A determinantal approach to irrationality", Number Theory Lunch Seminar (Max Planck Institute for Mathematics, Bonn, Germany, 25 May 2016)
156 "Crouching AGM, Hidden Modularity", Oberseminar Zahlentheorie (Universität Köln, Cologne, Germany, 30 May 2016)
157 "Multivariate transfinite diameter", Conference in honour of Michel Waldschmidt (Marina di San Gregorio & Patù, Lecce, Italy, 13–17 June 2016)
158 "Classical hypergeometry and the modularity of Calabi–Yau manifolds" (video), Workshop "Modular Forms in String Theory" (Banff International Research Station for Mathematical Innovation and Discovery, Alberta, Canada, 25–30 September 2016)
159 "Short random walks along Mahlerlaan", Intercity Number Theory Seminar (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 11 November 2016)
160 The Big Picture–Workshop on the occasion of Jan Stienstra's retirement (Utrecht University, The Netherlands, 25 November 2016)
161 "Hypergeometry and modular Calabi–Yau manifolds", Geometry Seminar (Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, The Netherlands, 12 December 2016)
162 "Classical hypergeometry and the modularity of Calabi–Yau manifolds", Number Theory Lunch Seminar (Max Planck Institute for Mathematics, Bonn, Germany, 14 December 2016)
163 MATRIX program "Hypergeometric motives and Calabi–Yau differential equations" (The University of Melbourne, Creswick, VIC, 8–28 January 2017)
164 "Elliptic dilogarithm and Mahler measures", Workshop on Elliptic Hypergeometric Functions in Combinatorics, Integrable Systems and Physics (Erwin Schrödinger Institute for Mathematical Physics, Vienna, Austria, 20–24 March 2017)
165 "Crouching AGM, Hidden Modularity", A colloquium talk (The University of Melbourne, Australia, 11 April 2017)
166 "Hypergeometric heritage of W.N. Bailey", CARMA colloquium (The University of Newcastle, NSW, Australia, 16 May 2017)
167 "Modular Calabi–Yau manifolds, from a hypergeometric perspective", Number Theory Seminar (Institut Fourier, Université Grenoble Alpes, France, 1 June 2017)
168 "Some hypergeometry inspired by irrationality questions", Workshop on Diophantine approximation and related fields–York 2017 (University of York, UK, 26–30 June 2017)
169 "A magnetic double integral", Oberseminar Zahlentheorie (Universität zu Köln, Cologne, Germany, 18 July 2017)
170 "Special hypergeometric motives and (p-adic) L-functions", Seminar on Algebra, Geometry and Physics (Max Planck Institute for Mathematics, Bonn, Germany, 1 August 2017)
171 "Hypergeometry inspired by irrationality questions", Number Theory Lunch Seminar (Max Planck Institute for Mathematics, Bonn, Germany, 9 August 2017)
172 "Hypergeometric motives for rigid hypergeometric Calabi–Yau threefolds", UNSW Number Theory Seminar (University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, 16 August 2017)
173 "A magnetic double integral", Jonathan M. Borwein (1951–2016): Commemorative Conference (The University of Newcastle, NSW, Australia, 25–29 September 2017)
174 "Variations on One over Pi", A colloquium talk (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 4 October 2017)
175 "Een verhaal over pi: One over pi", A colloquium talk (Universiteit Leiden, The Netherlands, 23 November 2017)
176 "Hypergeometric motives for rigid hypergeometric Calabi–Yau threefolds", DIAMANT Symposium Fall 2017 (Hotel Van der Valk, Breukelen, The Netherlands, 30 November–1 December 2017)
177 "Many (more) zeta values are irrational" (video), Trimester Program "Periods in Number Theory, Algebraic Geometry and Physics" (Hausdorff Research Institute for Mathematics, Bonn, Germany, 16 March–15 April 2018)
"A q-microscope for hypergeometric congruences" (video), Workshop "Picard–Fuchs Equations and Hypergeometric Motives" (Hausdorff Research Institute for Mathematics, Bonn, Germany, 26–30 March 2018)
178 "Special hypergeometric motives and their L-functions", Conference on Automorphic forms and algebraic geometry (St. Petersburg Department of V.A. Steklov Mathematical Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia, 14–18 May 2018)
179 Minicourse on Arithmetic differential equations, School and research conference "Modular forms and beyond" (Euler International Mathematical Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia, 21–26 May 2018)
180 "Special hypergeometric motives and their L-functions", Algebra and Topology Seminar (Mathematical Sciences Institute, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, 7 August 2018)
181 "Irrationality of odd zeta values", UNSW Number Theory Seminar (University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, 8 August 2018)
182 Minicourse on Many variables of Mahler measures, Masterclass: Mahler measures and special values of L-functions (Centre for Symmetry and Deformation, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, 27–31 August 2018)
183 "Irrationality of odd zeta values and other treasures", Conference on Elementare und Analytische Zahlentheorie–ELAZ 2018 (Max Planck Institute for Mathematics, Bonn, Germany, 3–7 September 2018)
184 "Creative microscoping", 81st Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire–KrattenthalerFest (Strobl, Austria, 9–12 September 2018)
185 "Generating functions of products of orthogonal polynomials", Topics on Orthogonal Matters Fest (Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, The Netherlands, 10–11 December 2018)
186 Duco van Straten Festkolloquium (Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Germany, 31 January 2019)
187 "Numbers can be not rational", Dutch Mathematics Days 2019 (Hotel NH Eindhoven Conference Centre Koningshof, The Netherlands, 1–2 February 2019)
188 "The Mahler measure and Ising model", Conference on Integrable systems and automorphic forms (Université de Lille, France, 19–22 February 2019)
189 "Irrationality of the values of Riemann's zeta function", Number theory seminar (Universität Wien, Austria, 30 April 2019)
190 "Many odd zeta values are irrational", Conference "Transcendence and Diophantine Problems", in memory of Naum Ilyitch Feldman (Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology & Moscow State University, Russia, 10–14 June 2019)
191 "q-Deformation of modular forms", Conference of the Geometry and Quantum Theory research cluster (Ernst Sillem Hoeve in Den Dolder, Netherlands, 4–5 July 2019)
192 "Creative microscoping", UNSW Number Theory Seminar (University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, 21 August 2019)
193 Intercity Number Theory Seminar (Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands, 6 September 2019)
194 "A method of creative microscoping", Annual Symposium on Analytic Number Theory and Related Topics (Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University, Japan, 15–18 October 2019)
195 "Random walk and Mahler measures", Workshop on Hypergeometric Series, Mahler Measures and Multiple Zeta Values (Mathematical Institute, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, 24–26 October 2019)
196 "I Prefer PI", Combinatorics Seminar (Research Institute for Symbolic Computation (RISC), Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria, 4 February 2020)
197 "Arithmetic hypergeometric series" & "Arithmetic q-deformations", Geometry and Mathematical Physics Seminar (Loughborough University, UK, 17 & 18 March 2020)
198 "Irrationality through an irrational time", Number Theory Web Seminar (Cyberspace, Zoom, 21 July 2020)
199 "Pfaffians and determinants in irrationality questions", 85th Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire (Strobl, Austria, 6–9 September 2020)
200 "Creative microscoping", Upstate New York Number Theory Colloquium (Cyberspace, Zoom, 14 September 2020)
201 "(Quasi-)magnetic modular forms", Japan Europe Number Theory Exchange Seminar (Cyberspace, Zoom, 13 October 2020)
202 "π, an irrational number", RU Mathematics Online Lunch Seminar (Cyberspace, Zoom, 29 October 2020)
203 "Dwork-type (q-)(super)congruences", Warsaw Number Theory Seminar (Cyberspace, Zoom, 23 November 2020)
204 "10 years of q-rious positivity. More needed!", Topics in Special Functions and Number Theory (Cyberspace, Zoom, 7 January 2021)
205 "Experimental mathematics and irrationality questions", Oberseminar (Universität Duisburg–Essen, Germany, 14 October 2021)
206 "Rogers–Ramanujan reflections", Oberseminar Zahlentheorie (Mathematisches Institut, Universität Köln, Germany, 25 October 2021)
207 "Magnetic modular forms", Online conference "Days of Transcendence" on the occasion of Yuri Nesterenko's 75th birthday (Cyberspace, Zoom, 31 January–2 February 2022)
208 "Apéry-like polynomial sequences", LENT seminar (Utrecht University, Netherlands, 18 March 2022)
209 "Apéry sequences and limits: new perspectives", Workshop on Diophantische Approximationen (Mathematische Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, Germany, 17–23 April 2022)
210 "Differential equations for special hyperelliptic integrals", Simons Symposium on Periods and L-values of Motives II (Gleneagles Hotel, Scotland, 1–7 May 2022)
211 "uNTitled", Tenth Bucharest Number Theory Days (Bucharest, Romania, 3–5 August 2022)
212 Course on Number theory and special functions: Modular functions, OPSFA Summer School (Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands, 8–12 August 2022)
213 "q-rious !-ratios", 88th Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire (Strobl, Austria, 4–7 September 2022)
214 "Cellular rational approximations to ζ(5)", N3-Days XVII (University of Hamburg, Germany, 14–15 October 2022)
215 "Motivation for q-deformation", Kolloquium Geometrie und Arithmetik & "Irrationality by experiment", Institutskolloquium (Institut für Mathematik, Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Germany, 3 November 2022)
216 MiLyon Workshop on Effective Aspects in Diophantine Approximation (University of Lyon, France, 27–31 March 2023)
217 "Magnetic modular forms", Workshop on Algebraic geometry, automorphic forms and integrable models (Université de Lille, France, 15–17 May 2023)
218 Conference on Orthogonal Polynomials and Applications (KU Leuven, Belgium, 8–10 June 2023)
219 "Intégrales hyperelliptiques (mais pas hypergéométriques) satisfaisant à des équations différentielles du second ordre", Number Theory Lunch Seminar (Max Planck Institute for Mathematics, Bonn, Germany, 19 July 2023)
220 "Mahler measures at work", Pure Maths Seminar (University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, 22 August 2023)
221 Lecture series "A rational introduction to irrationality", Summer School of the Vienna School of Mathematics (Dienten am Hochkönig, Austria, 10–16 September 2023)
222 International conference on MM(P): Mahler Measures of Polynomials, on the occasions of Mahler's 120th birthday and 90 years of Lehmer's problem (Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands, 24–27 October 2023)
223 "The zeta team" (public talk), Special week of Computer Algebra for Functional Equations in Combinatorics and Physics (Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris, France, 27 November–2 December 2023)
224 "Arithmetic differential equations", Seminar on Motivic differential equations and beyond (Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris, France, 12 January 2024)
225 Research stay at The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (Trieste, Italy, 6–15 February 2024)
226 "Mahler measures, modular regulators and multiple modular values", International Conference on Modular Forms and q-Series (University of Cologne, Germany, 11–15 March 2024)
227 "Modular regulators and multiple modular values", Follow-up workshop to the trimester program "Periods in Number Theory, Algebraic Geometry and Physics" (Hausdorff Research Institute for Mathematics, Bonn, Germany, 22–26 April 2024)
228 International conference HOPE – Hypergeometric and Orthogonal Polynomials Event (Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands, 1–3 May 2024)

Started on July 2, 1997